
Monday, April 8, 2013

Delusion - A Video Peom

I once designed three photo cards and sent them to a friend, because I thought he might be interested to know something about my past. He has never answered to this offer to deepen the relationship. This is also past now.
Yesterday, while thinking about what else video I can produce I remembered having read something at ds106's assignment collection about ambiance in a video. More precisely the assignment advises to record a piece of literature and to add clips and music for a little video production.
I decided to look for a poem about memories and combine this with the photo cards. I did not know how much I had to remember while producing the video.
First I had to remember that my PC has crashed recently and I've lost nearly all my digital work and photographs and with it the photo cards. I searched my e-mails for the photo card post and while doing so, any mail I caught sight of were reminders to my past, good and bad ones. I finally found the cards, but thought the original photographs would be better for my project. I again had to recollect,  this time if I anyway still owe this good old paper photographs. When I had to move into a smaller apartment I really had to get rid of many things savagely, a rather unpleasant memory. Anyway, I can not find out about the photographs, for I presume them in my storage place far away in my hometown. Memories, memories, memories.

While searching for a poem about memories I observed that there are many which describe memories as troublesome and I find even one poem which was not really about recollection but more about stumbling over truth you rather want to forget. I compared this to my intention for the video and found I did not plan to make it a drama. Still it was intriguing to combine my more neutral photographs with a dramatic poem.

For the video I used the poem "Delusion" by Alyssa Waters.
I like how the poem is written in a way that it is not clear if it is mostly imagery or complaining about a real event. For example once there is a person approaching the speaker of the poem:

He makes his way towards me, majestic also wise,
it was hard for me to distinguish between what's loving and what's lies.

This could mean a remembered treacherous person approaches or it can also mean truth comes nearer and both may cause the following reaction:

My heart it starts to flutter,
My body starts to fall-
I try to scream out for help
but I don't know who to call.

In this way I produced my video to make the impression of something wants to be realized, but it feels scary and confusing.

Because I've already thought through my past this may not be a recent problem to me, but it was, this I can remember.

Additional elements in the movie are a video with clips of rainy weather, a clip of sun in the trees and a recording while I am turning right around. I also added some music which is called Violin Mystery.

Here you can see a screenshot of the project in a still early state.

The video recordings are already added and I have worked on the photo cards to make them appear and vanish again by manipulating transparency and motion.
Later I added the recording of the poem. I did so by mixing it with the turned version of the piece, which gives the video an element of mystery.
The "Violin Mystery" music is a very short piece, but I found it is great to just repeat it which gives the movie more unity.

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